The Indian Navy has launched an investigation into the collapse of a statue of the legendary Maratha warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, which was toppled by strong winds and heavy rains in Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg district on Monday. The 35-feet-tall statue, unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Navy Day celebrations on 4 December 2023, stood at the historic Rajkot Fort in Malvan.
The statue’s sudden collapse has raised concerns, especially given its symbolic significance and recent unveiling. In a statement, the Indian Navy expressed its deep concern over the incident, emphasizing the importance of the statue as a dedication to the people of Sindhudurg.
“The Indian Navy notes with deep concern the damage caused this morning to the statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj that was unveiled on Navy Day as a dedication to the citizens of Sindhudurg,” read the statement from the Navy.
In response to the incident, the Indian Navy has collaborated with the Maharashtra government and relevant specialists to swiftly investigate the cause of the collapse. A team has been deputed to conduct a thorough examination of the incident, with the goal of repairing, restoring, and reinstating the statue at the earliest opportunity.
The statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, a revered figure in Maharashtra, holds immense historical and cultural significance. The statue’s presence at Rajkot Fort, a site rich in Maratha history, was intended to honour the legacy of the great warrior king and serve as a symbol of pride for the region.
The exact cause of the statue’s collapse remains unclear, but initial reports suggest that the severe weather conditions, including strong winds and heavy rains, may have played a significant role. The investigation will seek to determine whether the statue’s construction or any other factors contributed to the unfortunate accident.
The collapse of the statue has also sparked concerns about the safety and durability of other such monuments across the region, particularly those exposed to extreme weather conditions. The Indian Navy, in conjunction with state authorities, is expected to take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.
As the investigation proceeds, the people of Sindhudurg and the broader state of Maharashtra await the restoration of the statue, which has become a symbol of regional pride and heritage. The Indian Navy’s commitment to restoring the statue underscores the importance of preserving historical monuments and ensuring they continue to inspire future generations.
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